Our Partners
OzEWEX is morally and financially supported by the following organisations and initiatives:
- The Fenner School for Environment & Society, Australian National University, providing secretarial support.
- The Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science, funded by the Australian Research Council and involving several partner organisations
- the Centre of Australian Weather and Climate Research (CAWCR), a partnership between the Bureau of Meteorology and CSIRO.
- The Community Atmosphere Biosphere Land Exchange (CABLE) model development community, part of the Australian Community Climate and Earth-System Simulator (ACCESS), an initiative of CAWCR in cooperation with the Australian university community.
- The Water Information Research and Development Alliance between the Bureau of Meteorology Water and Climate Division and CSIRO Water for a Healthy Country Flagship. Projects include the Australian Water Resources Assessment (AWRA) system development.
- The Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN) funded by the Australian Federal Government and involving several partner organisations. Projects include :
- the AusCover facility for the provision of biophysical remote sensing data time-series, continental-scale map products and selected high-resolution data sets;
- the OzFlux network that provides nationally consistent observations of energy, carbon and water exchange between the atmosphere and key Australian ecosystems;
- the Ecosystem Modelling and Scaling Infrastructure facility (e-MAST) that supports model-data assimilation and integration by assembling data sets and developing software.
OzEWEX welcomes moral, in-kind or financial support any relevant organisation, project or initiative. We do not offer direct financial support, but where beneficial to the OzEWEX objectives, advocacy and statements of support can be provided on a non-exclusive basis to members applying for new resources.