Submission Guidelines

Submission has closed.


Submit the abstract for your presentation, poster or project proposal using the abstract submission system form.

Abstracts should be formatted as in the template below.

Download Word Template

Download Sample Paper (Word Format)


The abstract must not extend beyond a page, and must contain the following elements:

  • Title
  • Author or Proponent Names. Use initials and surnames for all authors, separating multiple authors with commas, while preceding the final author in the list with ‘and’. Underline the name of the presenting author. Use superscript characters to point to the affiliations below. Superscripts should be positioned to the right of each author name as shown in the example paper.
  • Affiliations. Affiliation details should be differentiated with superscript alpha characters placed to the left of the affiliation. Please provide only the email address of the presenting author after the list of affiliations.
  • Abstract. The Extended Abstract should be self contained and explicit. There is no minimum or maximum word count and figures, tables and references may be included as desired, provided the total submission remains limited to one page.
  • Keywords. Please provide up to 5 keywords separated by commas. Keywords should be separated by commas and listed in Sentence case (first keyword with capital letter and remaining keywords in lower case.