The conference will be held 5-9 June in Cuenca, Ecuador. One day will be devoted to a field trip and three days to oral and poster sessions. Invited speakers will be a mix of both new and more experienced scientists, with an emphasis on those who live and work in tropical regions. During the session dates, time will be allotted in the afternoons for informal group discussions and other interactions.
The conference themes will be cross-cutting and relevant to all the disciplines represented by participants. The specific half-day sessions are:
Session 1: Linking Ecohydrology and Ecophysiology in Tropical Systems
Session 2: Scaling Up and Spanning Gradients in Tropical Ecohydrology
Session 3: Transformative Impacts of Climate and Land Use Change on Tropical Ecohydrology
Within these sessions we will address the following themes:
(1) the influence of ecosystem degradation and recovery;
(2) ecohydrological approaches and techniques for linking plant ecophysiological responses with watershed hydrology;
(3) new concepts related to mechanistic assessment of the water balance across scales and across biomes (e.g., distributed modeling);
(4) new techniques for measuring plant- and stream-water fluxes (e.g., stable isotopes, dendrochronology, sapflow, remote sensing, eddy covariance, distributed modeling);
(5) methods for building explicit linkages between ecophysiologists and ecohydrologists.
Conference participants should arrive on Sunday, 5 June in advance of a Welcome Reception being held on that evening.