National Water Account 2014
source: Bureau of Meteorology
The Bureau of Meteorology has released the first four regions of its annual National Water Account. Reports for the Canberra, Daly, Ordand Perth regions are now online.
Adelaide, Melbourne, South East Queensland and Sydney reports are due in late April and the Murray–Darling Basin will be published mid-year.
The National Water Account provides detailed insight into Australia’s water resources at the national and regional scale for the previous financial year for nine nationally significant water use regions.
It discloses information about water stores and flows, water rights and water use. It reports on the volumes of water traded, extracted and managed for economic, social, cultural and environmental benefit.
The reporting regions are home to more than 80 per cent of Australia’s population and more than 70–80 per cent of Australia’s total annual water consumption.
The first four regional reports for 2014 reveal:
- Canberra prepared for drought with the Cotter Dam enlargement and Tantangara Transfer Option;
- Perth and Ord supplies were boosted by better rainfall than previous years; and
- Daly region water entitlements increased but remained within modelled sustainable bounds.
The National Water Account is prepared by the Bureau in partnership with many collaborators, including State and Territory governments, agencies, water utilities and other water agencies.
The Bureau is committed to the continuous improvement of the National Water Account and welcomes all feedback.
This year, improvements have been made to the structure of the region accounts, to provide better visualisation of the region’s water flows, assets and liabilities. It contains less text, and more schematics and graphs, with some of the underlying data available as downloadable files.
Take a look at the National Water Account 2014