New Journal launched: Remote Sensing in Earth Systems Sciences

I am glad to announce that Remote Sensing in Earth Systems Sciences (RSESS), a new journal with Springer, is now accepting submissions for its inaugural 2018 volume. You are cordially invited to submit your work as well as to peruse the journal’s Aims and Scope and Editorial Board through the journal’s website, which can be found here:

Volume One of RSESS will be composed of four issues, across which we will feature 15 review articles from leaders in the field as well as 10-15 pieces submitted by members of our academic community. The journal will be published by Springer, and as such boasts immediate distribution to thousands of researchers. Furthermore, RSESS is a hybrid journal, which means that you will have the ability to publish your article open access if you so choose.

We have found that the current journals available to us lack enough space devoted to Earth Sciences, cohesion in the space that they do offer, and more generally, a quantitative spirit. With this journal, we hope to remedy all of these issues. It is our goal to be the premier destination for research in use of remote sensing to study Earth Systems for years to come.

Please feel free to contact the Editor-in-Chief Prof. Venkat Lakshmi (, the Section Editor, or our Springer contact, Publishing Editor Zachary Romano (, with any questions and requests for further information on this exciting new endeavor. The Section Editors, the Editorial Board, and I would very much like to see you submit your work.

Articles published in 2018 and 2019 will be available for free on the journal website.

For contributors submitting standard articles, there is no page charge. The journal is also happy to offer Springer Open Choice, which allows contributors to publish their articles Open Access (with a fee, of course) if they so choose.

Venkat Lakshmi

Editor-in-Chief, Remote Sensing in Earth Systems Science