TERN funding continued

On Friday 2 August, 2013 the University of Queensland signed an agreement with Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education providing TERN with an additional $8.17 M of funding (this is on top of the recent $3M from Collaborative Research Infrastructure Scheme funding). This funding is to support the maintenance of existing infrastructure over the 2013/14 and 2014/15 period.

This will allow TERN to retain critical infrastructure, staff and networks beyond our current funding. It is also recognition of the value of TERN infrastructure and the need to continue our important collaborative programs. Unfortunately, this level of funding does not allow us to expand current programs or begin new projects, nor does it fully address all of our ongoing operating costs. However, it allows us to plan how best to strategically position TERN for the next major investment round and ensure ongoing delivery to the ecosystem science community. It is worth reiteration that this infrastructure will be crucial to address the nation’s Strategic Research Priorities.

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