Meeting user needs for sub-seasonal streamflow forecasts in Australia

Good streamflow forecasts allow water management agencies to make better decisions and achieve more efficient water use. Currently, the Australian Bureau of Meteorology provides seasonal forecasts of three-month-total streamflow for over 200 gauging stations around Australia. Forecast users, particularly water management […]

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2017 HPC Summer School

NCI is Australia’s most highly integrated, high-performance research computing environment, built to deliver on national priorities and research excellence across the scientific disciplines. Supporting over 4,000 researchers using the facility, NCI is committed to training new users to […]

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Climate change played a role in Australia’s hottest October and Tasmania’s big dry in 2015

Climate change made some of Australia’s 2015 extreme weather events more likely, according to research published today in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. As part of an annual review of global weather extremes, these studies focused […]

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Planning for a rainy day: there’s still lots to learn about Australia’s flood patterns

Recent floods in New South Wales, South Australia and Victoria have reminded us of the power of our weather and rivers to wreak havoc on homes, business and even, tragically, lives. The journal Climatic Change has published a […]

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