Natural disasters are affecting some of Australia’s most disadvantaged communities

Bushfires have been the most common natural disaster in New South Wales over the past decade, according to our study published today in Nature’s Scientific Reports. Our study, the first of its kind, looked at disaster declarations in […]

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Making connections through HEPEX – A CSIRO experience

HEPEX has a reputation as a strong community of like-minded, supportive researchers and practitioners who are collectively bent on significantly advancing the science and applications of ensemble hydrological forecasting. HEPEX provides a unique forum where meeting people and […]

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After Tasmania’s year of disasters, bushfire tops the state’s growing list of natural hazards

Tasmania has had a damaging year, with the island state hit by a series of bushfires and floods. Now a comprehensive new assessment of Tasmania’s exposure to natural disasters shows that bushfire remains the number one hazard to […]

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